Ash is tightening the noose on her enemies…
… and losing her grip on reality.
Ash’s revenge plans for Chariot and Isaac Montefiore take a surreal turn when Isaac’s wife hires Ash to retrieve an item that Isaac is obsessed with finding. Ash takes the job, but this quest throws her back into Levi’s path and puts Rafael in grave danger.
Meanwhile, Ash runs across a crime victim who possesses mysterious magic. Ash’s search for the attacker once again pits her against the Queen of Hearts and sends Ash down the rabbit hole of what’s real. Sanity is highly overrated, anyway, right?
To top it all off, Ash’s mother is being blackmailed by someone threatening to expose Ash as a Rogue unless Talia resigns from her political career for good. Talk about putting the “fun” in family dysfunction.
When everything seems lost and trust is hard to give or find, you are faced with choices.
Choices seem to be the word of the book.
It was an amazing final to another great series, I’m pretty sad it’s over 🙁
Great, as always. Not too much info, but a good amount of detail for all the scenes and environments. As this is the instalment where everything comes to a close, there is a lot of information coming Ash’s (and our) way, but it never felt too much.
What we have come to expect from the author, great, great characters. They feel so real and believable, I love it! They are far from perfect, they have flaws, insecurities, they hate and they love, they make mistakes and they choose every day again who they will be that day. Ash has a lot of anger and hurt in her, in a way that is reflected in the people around her (which really does not help at all). She has some difficult decisions to make. Will she still be able to face herself in the mirror when all is said and done?
Onward to the rest of the gang, Levi (don’t mind if I do 😉 ), Pri, Rafael, Miles, Arkady, the Queen, Moran and the list goes on… they’re such great characters *sigh*. During the 4 instalments in this series we’ve come to know them all pretty well (except for the Queen cause she’s just mysterious af) and I will miss reading about all their antics.
Oh, btw, did you know Miles goes by Mimi? Yeah, though I’m not sure anyone but Arkady should call him that 😉
Were excellent! As I’ve said earlier, there is a lot of things happening and a lot of info being brought to light, but never too much at once. Great balance between action and conversation.
I tried dragging the book out as long as I could, cause I didn’t want it to end, but alas, it was just too good and I kept going back for more.
The book itself was well written with no (noticeable) errors.
I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book and while I’m truly sad the series has ended, I thoroughly enjoyed it and it deserves a place among my favourites.
Very well written, an amazing and diverse cast of characters and a strong and interesting plot… I mean, what more do you want?? Recommended!
© Victoria Gryson 2024