A Reaper who doesn’t reap is like a custard donut without the custard. Pointless.
Between getting my ass kicked by Azazel in the training room, avoiding Conah, and verbally sparing with Mal, I’m beginning to get a feel for what it means to be a Dominus Reaper.
The guys might not think I’m ready to get out and do my job, but I have a team of reapers relying on me, and I’m not about to let them down.
Leadership? No problem.
Teamwork? Bring it.
It’s time to jump into the fray.
While the guys track the Dread who attacked the Academy, I’m forced to work alongside Grayson, the Regency pack alpha, to investigate a missing persons case involving vamps.
The alpha is stubborn, bossy, arrogant, and sexy as hell. I’m torn between kissing him and punching him. But when he’s taken by the bloodsuckers, there’s no doubt in my mind that I need to get him back. Even if it means venturing into forbidden territory to do it.
Death awaits with fangs and claws, but I’ll be damned if I let it walk all over me.
Here’s to hoping I keep my head.
This sequel wasn’t what I hoped for.
I remember how much I liked and enjoyed the first book of this series. Unfortunately, this one felt like the opposite. Not much happens plot-wise, and honestly, the characters don’t seem to develop much either 🙁 Sure, Fee’s training makes her stronger, but that’s kind of it. Being Dominus is cool and all, but…meh.
The love interests? Still stuck in first gear. Conah’s on the blacklist, Az is still way too icy, and Mal is still a tormented mystery. Oh, and let’s not forget the hot werewolf thrown into the mix, because why not?
Speaking of romance… this slow burn is SLOOOOOW. Like, painfully slow. I get it. I’m not a fan of the ‘everyone jumps into bed right away’ insta-lust kinda thing (thank god), but come on, it’s book two! A few kisses are all we’re getting?
Basically, I’m bummed. I was so hyped for a fantastic UF series with some good (not even necessarily steamy) romance, but this felt like… yeah, no.
Will it get better throughout the series? I’m sure of it.
Do I want to spend the time and effort getting there? No, I don’t think so 🙁
In my honest opinion, this is one of the largest benefits of Kindle Unlimited: if the book isn’t good, then at least I can tell myself that it’s okay since I didn’t pay for it.
© Victoria Gryson 2024