Review – Queen of Death


Queen of Death


Gods Reborn #0.5


Chandelle LaVaun


Paranormal Romance


I’m not who I thought I was.

Something has awoken inside of me. Something ancient and powerful. It sings in my veins a song of glory and pain. I see memories of a life long ago, that couldn’t possibly be mine and yet they feel like coming home. Just when I think I’m losing my mind I find the prophecy of the reborn that speaks terrifying words I know in my heart are true.

I have been reborn.

Yet I’m not alone. There is a man who emerged from the shadows and calls himself the son of night. He is dark, brooding, and sinfully delicious. His name is Thanatos and everywhere he walks the dead rise to greet him. He knows who I was, he knows who I am, and he knows who I’m supposed to become. While he promises not to leave my side until my memories return I’m desperately searching for a way to keep him with me forever.

Olympus calls for me, I feel its power in the air I breathe and dirt under my feet. It is everywhere yet it remains hidden from my eye. My destiny awaits but in order to find my way home I’ll have to solve the dangerous hidden riddles left by the Goddess of Wisdom herself…me.

This may be my second life, but I am Athena and this time nothing will get in my way.


4stars rating

I love mythology, and Greek mythology is one of my favorite 😀
This book read like a charm. It was entertaining, with just the right amount of tense situations and action. The characters were fun and fleshed-out enough (for now), and I just felt like rooting for them from the get-go.

I hope the series will continue, as this book was written a few years ago. I would read the rest for sure!